Monday, December 21, 2015

Last run to the Schools before Christmas break

With the schools being closed for 2 weeks some of the Alevin needed to be moved to our 65 gallon aquarium set up at the hatchery to be taken care of over the holidays & the food & feeders needed to be dropped of at the rest of the schools were Teachers & Staff will start feeding when they are ready, Wednesday I took a run to Goderich, Brookside, Wingham x 2, Teeswater x 2, Formosa, & Kincardine Schools & Thursday was Wiarton, Hanover Walkerton x 2, Ethel, Breslau & Guelph, there were lots of question & one of the volunteers said the Grade 1 students were more excited about my arrival than they were checking out their letters from Santa that they just went over together, lol, 

Live streaming of the Guelph RCA School 24/7 until May when they will be released. Check it out & follow along.

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