I re-started the Lake Huron Fishing Club In-Class School Salmon Hatchery Program in 2010-11 with 1 School, in 2011-12 we had 3 and in 2012-13 we had 10 Schools, in 2013-14 we had 17 Schools, in 2014-15 we had 21 Schools, Started a partnership with Bluewater Anglers and their 3 schools, United Fish and Game Clubs of Manitoulin and their 1 School, Sydenham Sportsmen Association and 2 of their 4 Schools and BPSA with 1 of SSA school in partnership with LHFC.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
EHEIM Everyday Fish Feeder Tutorial
This will make things easy for the schools to reprogram if the batteries die or the feeder gets dropped.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Rainbow Trout Hatchery
Picked up some of the Salmon today & delivered them to the Hatchery when I was there took a bit of video of the Rainbows, everything is looking good.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Mildmay Sacred Heart Junior started feeding
A bit of video taken 6 days a part, lots of them laying in the corner then all of them swimming around & ready to eat, this is the earliest I've started to feed any of the school's, usually I start Christmas week but a few of them have started in the past 2 weeks, maybe they'll be bigger this year.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
7 month old Rainbow Trout & 1.5 Month old Chinook Salmon Alevin
Stopped in to pick up some food at the 2 Hatcheries & took a little video, they are growing nicely.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
LHFC School Salmon Hatchery Program Alevin 2014-15
Alevin are growing with a few Aquariums get close to feed.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Resurrection Christian Academy Live Salmon Hatchery Feed
Now this is pretty exciting, at the start of our 5th year we have a School that puts a live feed on the internet now everyone can go on line & watch as the Salmon grow until the release in April or May.
Thanx RCA
Live feed of one of the Lake Huron Fishing Club Aquariums
Thanx RCA
Live feed of one of the Lake Huron Fishing Club Aquariums
Friday, November 21, 2014
Salmon Eggs are hatching & the Alevin look good
Wednesday I got a call that one of the Schools thought their
aquariums was leaking so I went to check it out & water was coming from
under the Aquarium & running onto the floor, so I siphoned all the water
out into pails, dumped the egg tray into a separate pail, set up another one,
filled it back up with water, set the egg tray back up & transferred the
eggs & alevin into the new one. About half the eggs were hatched.
Thursday was a trip to Formosa, Mildmay & Walkerton to
start removing their egg trays as all the Eggs have hatched.
Friday was
Teeswater & Wingham’s turn, most of the schools only had 1 to 3 eggs that
didn't hatch & needed to be removed but a couple schools still had 8 to 12
eggs left to hatch & the egg trays were left in until next week, 1 Alevin had died & was all white & that’s the 1st time I’ve seen that.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
LHFC School Salmon Hatchery Program has expanded to 21 School's
Now that was a long day, started out driving to Port Elgin to meet Brian at the Salmon Hatchery to get the Eggs for some of our school's. After stopping at School's in Walkerton, Mildmay, Formosa, Teeswater, Wingham, Brookside, Goderich, Ethel, Waterloo & Guelph a total of 15 school's, 513 km & 11.5 hours later I was back in Teeswater to unpack the vehicle & relax for the rest of the evening. We have 6 new School's this year & some very excited Students.
North Woods
Lady of Lourdes Catholic
St Nicholas Catholic
Christian Academy
Saturday, November 1, 2014
We are getting School's ready for Salmon Eggs
My 3rd day of setting up school's so far 2 Schools in Teeswater Hillcrest & Sacred Heart, 2 Schools in Walkerton Sacred Heart High, & WDCS, 2 Schools in Mildmay Junior & Senior Catholic, Ethel North Woods Elementary, 2 Schools in Waterloo Our Lady of Lordes Catholic & St. Nicholaus Catholic & Guelph Resurrection Christian Academy, other club volunteers have set up 2 Schools in Kincardine, 2 Schools in Port Elgin, 1 in Ripley 1 in Southampton, 1 in Goderich & Brookside, I have 3 more to go & the Eggs will be ready to go.
Ethel - North Woods Elementary
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
New Hand out for my School Program
This will be one of the piece of information handed out to the school's involved with our School Program as well as set out for visitors that have a Hatchery tour, hoping to have more by fall.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Mildmay Sacred Heart Junior & Senior School Salmon Release & Hatchery...
Another successful School Salmon Release, Trout Hatchery Tour & Fish Kincardine Derby Student Weigh In Helpers.
Mildmay Sacred Heart Junior & Senior School Salmon Release & Hatchery...
Another successful day Releasing Salmon, Trout Hatchery Tour, Lighthouse Tour & helping with the Weighing of Salmon & Trout at the Fish Kincardine Derby & seeing a few fisherman cleaning their catch.
Mildmay Sacred Heart Junior & Senior School Salmon Release & Trout Hatchery & Lighthouse Tour
After the Mildmay Sacred Heart Junior & Senior release the 150 Salmon Smolts they raised for the Lake Huron Fishing Club the Students gathered at the Kincardine Boat Launch to have a Photo taken.
Rainbow Trout Eggs gathered Apr 25 & 26
Al working his magic with the Students like always.
After the Hatchery & Lighthouse Tour we headed to the Fish Kincardine Derby Weigh Station & this is what the Students were allowed to help weigh.
Grade 5 with the Derby Leading Trout & Salmon.
Grade 2/3 with the Leading Trout 16.4 lbs.
Thanx to the Weigh Station Volunteers & the Fisherman that allowed the Students to handle their catch & watch them clean them & showed them the stomach contents.
Hope you enjoyed Richard
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Hillcrest JK/SK Hatchery Tour
Yesterday started out going to Hillcrest School to pick up the Salmon then off to Ripley to drop off a Cooler for them to load their Salmon up for today's Release, I arrived at the Kincardine Trout Hatchery before the bus & Al W & Steve were there waiting to help with the Release & Hatchery Tour, the Lighthouse Tour was booked for 10:30 so after the Salmon Release the students went over for the Light house Tour 1st than back to the Hatchery for a tour to see the Rainbow Trout Eggs that were 3 days old, Brown Trout are 5 Months Old & our Rainbows that were collected last year so they are about 12.5 months old & are ready to be released on Saturday & Sunday.
Al set up a 65 gallon tank to make it easier for the Students to see the Rainbows.
3 day old Rainbow Eggs
Brown Trout Tanks about 10,000 in each tank.
Rainbow Trout the Students loved this part.
Showing the JK/SK our fish Transport Tanks.
4 of Tawnya's Picture's added
Artwork from the Class
After this I was off to Wiarton to put on a Fishing Presentation, talk fishing & show some different equipment used, then loaded up their Salmon & drove back to Kincardine to release the Salmon & Drop off the Samples for the next School Tour.
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